Jennifer Proctor
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Film and video
This is really an excellent piece, both formally and critically. It actually helps me to get past some of the discomfort I've felt in referring to my video works as "films" (the film purist/materialist in me cringes a bit at the thought). B ... -
A few questions
This is all quite interesting to me because, of course, we're discussing what happens when we use the medium we're critiquing to perform a critique, and all the meta-questions that gets into. Part of what comes to mind as I read your responses i ... -
That’s a really interesting
That's a really interesting comment, and it's a topic I think about a lot- what defines Vine, and will it last as something uniquely Vine-y? Since Vine recently added simple editing to the app, I'm worried that it will become watered down a ... -
Private vs. Public/Amateur vs. Professional
A very nice post that poses the questions I constantly think about in terms of home movies. Smith's film also brings up issues around the tenuous divide between amateur and professional work- here is an amateur who nonetheless takes his craft to hear ... -
Interactive literacy
This is quite an interesting post- thanks! One of the things I often think about when examining the interactive audience is to what degree the audience needs to learn how to "read" interactive media, in the same way that audiences have had to le ... -
A very elegant explanation of the Korsakow system, and Eric, the point about associative human memory is stellar- much of what I see in interactive and multi-channel work seems to draw upon the operations of memory, which is what I find so fascinating (an ... -
I love this. This is one of
I love this. This is one of the great possibilities of interactive documentary: the ability to capture the multivalent and multivocal nature of "the truth." Adding interactivity into the experience can also raise ethical questions (not so much ... -
Character vs. plot
This is an extremely interesting development and prospective solution to the "problem" of interactive narrative. It allows for another level of attention and engagement with elements within the frame- elements that might not otherwise take on t ... -
Mind/body dualism
Thanks, Drew, for this thoughtful response. You're right on that action films rely on the body as a limiting factor to increase suspense, which is part of what I find so fascinating about this genre. As Yvonne Tasker and others have pointed out, howe ... -
Many interesting points
These are all great points and challenges. To reply way too briefly: @Eric This is an excellent question, and my first thought goes to films like the X-Men franchise (and many other comic book adaptations), which essentially showcase the ways disabilities ...