Iphigénie has been concocting documentaries since the turn of the millennium. She has co-founded the production company Les glaneuses with her colleague Karine van Ameringen. Their films are always anchored in the territory, raising questions of identity, highlighting intercultural encounters, philosophies of life (or death) and, like a silent mantra, listening to details. Over the years, Iphigénie has also worn different hats while collaborating with other directors. She has over ten years of experience as a filmmaker-mentor for Wapikoni Mobile, for the Mapuce del Aylla Rewe Budi School of Cinema and Communication, and for the Power of the Lens research-creation project. She has accompanied the creation of more than forty short films in an indigenous context. In light of this background, Iphigénie conceives documentary filmmaking as a political and poetic process, as a flagship tool, and as a tool for bridge building. Her interests sometimes lead her to other narrative forms, where interactivity is deployed during urban walks (development of BRIB) or in audio-literary installations for young audiences. She is currently doing a master degree in Media Studies at Concordia University in which she explores the documentary co-creation with women of various cultures in rural areas, and specifically in her native Lanaudière. She is also working on two new documentary films.