Unthemed theme week
After a brief hiatus, In Media Res is back with a full line-up from now until Christmas. In addition to some great individual contributions (such as the pieces appearing this week), we will also feature several themed-weeks, including weeks devoted to Latino media, Nordic media, fan practices, dance, pre-1960s corporate authorship, alternative media, and media interfaces. This week’s In Media Res line-up: Monday, September 17, 2007 – Ethan Thompson (Texas A&M, Corpus Christi) presents: “Reading the Book of John (from Cincinnati)”. Tuesday, September 18, 2007 – Joshua Green (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) presents: “Who’s selling Digital TV?” Wednesday, September 19, 2007 – Jonathan Gray (Fordham University) presents: “The Beauty and the Ugliness of Advertising?” Thursday, September 20, 2007 – Derek Johnson (University of Wisconsin at Madison) presents: “The Essential Recap: Memory, Amnesia, and Anticipation in Serial Television” Friday, September 21, 2007 – Walter Metz (Montana State University at Bozeman) presents: “It’s Not TV, It’s PeePee” Please check out these wonderful contributions and offer your thoughts via a comment. Also, I’d really like to take this opportunity to thank all of the curators we’ve had during our first year for generating so many thought-provoking and conversation-worthy pieces. In alphabetical order, thank you to: Kim Akkas, Hector Amaya, Tim Anderson, Mark Andrejevic, Michela Ardizzoni, Miranda Banks, Doug Battema, Ronald Becker, Marnie Binfield, Megan Boler, Chris Boulton, Patrick Burkart, Kristina Busse, Jeremy Butler, Paula Chakravrartty, Max Dawson, Richard Edwards, James Daniel Elam, Christian Erickson, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Franko, Cynthia Fuchs, Joy Fuqua, Radhika Gajjala, Faye Ginsburg, Jonathan Gray, Joshua Green, David Golumbia, Sangita Gopal, Hollis Griffin, Mary Beth Haralovich, Melissa Hardie, Chad Harriss, John Hartley, Amelie Hastie, Tim Havens, Dana Heller, Heather Hendershot, Sean Hockett, Jennifer Holt, Douglas Howard, Kevin Howley, Jason Jacobs, Henry Jenkins, Victoria Johnson, Jeff Jones, Vamsee Juluri, Davis Jung, Jyotsna Kapur, Christian Keathley, Kelly Kessler, Derek Kompare, Marwan Kraidy, Shanti Kumar, David Lavery, Tama Leaver, Dan Leopard, Elana Levine, Amanda Lotz, Moya Luckett, Madhavi Mallapragada, Dan Marcus, Vicki Mayer, Janet McCabe, Anna McCarthy, Allison McCraken, Alan McKee, Tara McPherson, Walter Metz, Joe Milutis, Jason Mittell, Susan Murray, Lisa Nakamura, Horace Newcomb, Michael Z. Newman, Kyle Nicholas, Brian Ott, Laurie Ouellette, Jane Park, Dave Parry, Matthew Payne, Roberta Pearson, Alisa Perren, Michael Peterson, Arvind Rajagopal, Birgit Brander Rasmussen, Ellen Rigsby, Judd Ruggill, Avi Santo, Jeff Sconce, Katherine Sender, Sharon Shahaf, Shawn Shimpach, Louisa Stein, Craig Stewart, Ethan Thompson, Serra Tinic, Chuck Tryon, Mark Vail, Ira Wagman, Betsy Weiss, Eva White, Michele White, Karin Wilkins, Maurice Yacowar and everyone else who has participated through their comments, encouragement and presence on the site.