Dr. Bagley studies sport and rhetoric from the perspectives of critical cultural theory, critical rhetorical theory and criticism. For years she wrote about women's sport, as the primary site of activism and resistive politics in the United States, and she has been thrilled to have a myriad of athlete activism examples in the last few years! She is particularly interested in how athletes express voice through verbal, nonverbal, and material means. Her work has appeared most recently in Sport, Protest & Political Struggle (2019, Grano & Butterworth Eds.) and Uniformly Discussed: Sportswomen's Apparel (2020, Fuller Ed.). A more full book chapter discussion of WWC 2020 will appear in a forthcoming volume with co-author Dr. Mary Anne Taylor. Dr. Bagley has taught at Alabama since 2010 and enjoys engaging her rabid sport fan students in critical discussions of power, identity, memory, and more. She is a former rugby player who now chases her two kids around with her wife, Alex. Roll Tide.