As scholars in the humanities develop skills in quantitative and technical methodologies, the ways that we have represented our research has changed. One branch of the field of digital humanities has worked to theorize on and provide better ways to visualize the types of research that the field has come to value. This boom in research and development in the digital humanities has led to a wealth of data and research visualization software. One no longer needs knowledge of SPSS to create graphs and charts for presentations. Additionally, there are now better ways to express qualitative data.
New visualization applications include (but are by no means limited to): DHumanities, Neatline, and a wealth of visualizations built into qualitative analysis software like Nvivo. These applications give humanities and social science scholars the chance to share their research in new ways for new audiences and to use these visualizations in their own analysis of research. Discussions and guidelines on the applicability of, as well as standards for, best practices for data visualization would be beneficial as a resource for the greater humanities community.
Below are the responders to our question of visualizing research.
Thomas Chapman Old Dominion University
Bethany Nowviskie University of Virginia
Eric Sentell Southeast Missouri State University and Old Dominion University
Kenneth Fitzgerald Old Dominion University
Trevor Owens George Mason University
Rahul Mukherjee University of California-Santa Barbara
Rob Turknett University of Texas-Austin
Almila Akdag University of Amsterdam
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